
Vehicle Style Control:

W&A: Move Forward and Backward

A&D: Turn Left and Right(Rotate)

L-mouse/L-Ctrl: Fire weapon

Space: Switch Weapon between Minigun or Cannon, A reload disk will appear to represent the changing process. During Weapon change, you cannot fire a weapon.

Note: For the Cannon, which also has 2.5 seconds reload, whenever it is swapped in it always needs 2.5 seconds to load the first shot.



If picked while having the minigun, the minigun will shoot three bullets every time instead of one (three streams of bullets!)

If picked while having the cannon, the cannon shell will have double the AOE area.

TurretPowerUp: Once picked, a minigun turret will spawn, it will automatically seek and shoots enemies in sight, it won't be targeted, but has 10 HP, can be destroyed by stray enemy bullets.

One PowerUp has a 80/100 chance to spawn after every wave, and of that 80%, AttackPowerUp has a 50% chance, TurretPowerUP has a 50% chance.


Red Enemies are Drones, they wander aimlessly and do nothing, except killing the player upon contact.

Blue Enemies are Warriors, wonder randomly but always aims for the player, they have 4 attacks each with 25% of being the next.

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